PARKING a much asked question which concerns everybody but always answered by none in our vehicle populated city and adding to it manufacturer’s introduction of new vehicles such as the NANO even before answering the parking problem. There are many reasons why this problem prevails such as ignorance of rules, people’s attitude, loose government, improper planning etc. As always this parking problem has taken a backseat because people use active roads as parking space, little do they know the problem they are causing? While our neighbour (Bangalore) has started to ponder over this issue and taking steps we are still thinking of thinking about it. People’s attitude is the fact I want to highlight here. The small example I am going to reflect is that of a NO PARKING area in Harrington road and the reality taking place. The pictures here reflects a home which has 7 cars but have space only for parking 3 of them and guess where the other of this persons Mercs and Hondas go. Yes you are right on the road, and their parking (road) is only approx. 25 feet and always subjected to intense traffic ,even more is yet to come the reason for its intensity is that nearby there are 5 schools nearby 1 hospital and precious human life. At 8AM and 3PM the peak of vehicular and pedestrian movement you can see their vehicles are always parked on the side of the road making the road even more congested and the highlight is that they have a signboard mentioning NO PARKING FOR VISITORS and NO PARKING IN FRONT OF THE HOUSE. Wow!! These people really think that they own that piece of road. These parked cars create a traffic stop at peak hours. People who come to pick up their kids of the nearby school also park seeing the cars on the road thinking that its supposedly a parking zone. Traffic policemen come for rare visits and even so are flexible to bribery. Thus a perfect example one man’s mistake causing possible danger to many a mans lives....
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