Friday, May 1, 2009


If architecture had been the major form of our life, yes we could have lived up to a building....When early man had an abundance of food, opportunity & shelter then only his thought process showered on beauty & aesthetics. In contrast we now live up to our progress rather than a ‘building’. The height of your excitement tends to come down on every material pleasure. A building being one of the most sought after material pleasure enthralling your senses of see, touch, feel & think can be sustained only for a certain amount of time. The biggest enemy to the worshippers of living up to a building is our brain; it always tends to find out faults with what the same brain thought was flawless. We tend to lose the sense of awe after sometime. The materialistic pleasure are to be enjoyed ,loved, lived .then u move on the next level as in the transition from neo-classical of the 1750’s to sustainability at the present. We have seen numerous styles, numerous buildings but never a ultimate building and it is also assured to never happen .The ultimate’s like the Bilbao museum may be everybody’s garage tomorrow. We are made of higher intelligence hence our ego will not permit itself to be in a sense of awe for a long period. Living up to a building is a myth no can do it but its trail remains...........

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