Saturday, February 21, 2009

art for art sake or art for life sake

Art! The term art is a most complicated innovative and creative form of bringing out an artist’s opinion , likes dislikes and fascination towards oneself and society! its an expression of emotion of a mind of an artist, that’s an artist who sees art as an art , who justifies an art in his way at the same time respecting its originality. An art need not be a painting it’s a varied option like dance, music , writing etc. an art should not be compared with any public issues…. What is an art? How is it useful to the public? How far it reaches the lay person? there comes the problem where the society do not appreciate art as an art rather compare it with other issues. This phrase well goes to the artists and then the public. Art is a form or way for an artist to go in depth into the art and find out the beauty of an art! An art should be viewed only in that perspective to get the importance of an art itself. An art gives one a freedom to explore the nature. But artists do face problems from the society due to lack of answer in their hand which proves their lack of understanding for that art. These problems occur as some art forms depicts the human forms , life structure in response to culture and economy prevailing. This phrase might give artists confident and respect towards the art as well respect from the society where artists can face with confident. An art is to be preserved , protected , retain its originality and quality.! But outlook towards the art before and at present seemed to have caused drastic change in the form of art. Now the whole purpose of art has changed due to the cost of living , pressure from the society. In this growing world the actual talent is lost or the talent is misused. People treat an art only as a source of income in the form of selling an art. Hence again the importance as such as art is lost and quality of art is filtered. In this case artists follow the phrase ‘art for life sake’. But this will not sustain longer!

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